Sunday, May 17, 2015

Nursery Rhymes at the Gardens

Tulip 'Lingerie'

Tulip 'Foxtrot - ruffled blossom

The woman who lived in a shoe

Old Mac Donald's Farm

Crooked House

Mary had a little lamb

Incy Wincy Spider

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

 Christmas market feel

 Cool temperate conservatory

Mighty cloud forest


Pitcher Plant

Garden Rhapsody

Stupendous Super Tree Grove

Spectacular Spectacular

Skywalk with the towering Marina Bay Sands in the backdrop

Return to the 441 Wet Market

$2.50 for a packet of 🧄  Oops forgot to get one piece of 豆干 Sauce for chee cheong fun Packed In a container Finally , high graded sesame sw...